Legal Question in Employment Law in Virginia

After 10yrs - Can Not Get Rehired

I worked for a federal govt agency for ten years, (from 91 thru 01). I resigned on my own merit (after having an excellent career) to work for a friend. Around 2002/03, I applied to go back into that same agency, and was polygraphed. I was told I failed because of something very minor (that same minor thing was stated on my original application before I even worked for the agency back in 91'). I have since applied 2 or 3 different times with the same agency and never hear back from anybody. I have several friends/ family that work in that particular agency and still can not get to the root of the problem. I feel my file has some do not hire sign on it. My question are, what are the statute of limitations on something like this on filing a grievance and/or lawsuit? And is this worth pursuing?

Thank you for your time, I look forward to hearing from you.

T.. Va

Asked on 4/01/09, 10:53 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: After 10yrs - Can Not Get Rehired

After some six years since you last applied to this

federal agency, I would doubt that it is likely not only not worth pursuing, but hat there is likely no viable basis for your doing so.

The answer to your puzzlement in not being rehired may have something to do with the catastrophe of 9/11/2001, after which even a minor blip on a prospective applicant's record may be enough to torpedo his or her hopes for employment with the federal government. (This, of course, is merely my opinion based upon the accounts of others who have told similar tales.)

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Answered on 4/01/09, 4:33 pm

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