Legal Question in Employment Law in Virginia
arbitraitors ruling final on contracts between companys & unions or may civil s
My union and company signed a contract that the company is not abiding by. The case went to arbitration; ruled in companies favor. The arbitraitor ruled according to the testomony of the company and not the facts/language of the contract.The ruling was based on what the company said it intended not what was written and signed.We the union members would like to know if there are any ways to try and see if justice will be served or this bogus and blaitant illregard for the law of binding contracts will be allowed to contine .This could cost us around $5 million in lost wages more or less depending upon the overtime hours worked.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: arbitraitors ruling final on contracts between companys & unions or may civ
You failed to mention in your question whether the arbitration that was utuilized in your case is binding and non-appealable, or whether your
collective bargaining rules allow for further recourse.