Legal Question in Employment Law in Virginia

Ex boss is causing problems for future employment.

8/06 I quit my job after coming back from a 2 week break b/c I was injured at work. When I came back I was dropped to only 1 day of work and I put in my 2 weeks notice and quit. I had problems with the store manager so did other white employees. But once I quit I applied for the police dept, and after doing through every step to be hired including the polygraph, I was denied employment b/c the dept. states that i was fired from a prev. job. But I have never been fired and am rehireable at all jobs. I found out from ex co-workers that my ex boss extremely badmouthed me to the police dept. Since he did this and I wasnt hired, now any other dept I apply for calls that dept and asks why I wasnt hired and they have to tell them that reason. Please tell me there is something I can do about this. B/c of him Im being denied jobs I am well qualifed for and pass every test for. This is continuing to cause me problems and I need to get it fixed. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! thank you for your time.

Asked on 8/19/08, 6:37 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: Ex boss is causing problems for future employment.

You should first contact the police department where you went through all the steps for employment and get their record corrected as to the circumstances under which you left the store employment (whatever that may require).

And, if this former boss of yours continues to "badmouth" you to other prospective employers, you may then wish to consider suing him for defamation.

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Answered on 8/24/08, 12:18 pm

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