Legal Question in Employment Law in Virginia

This is a church situation concerning my wife (director of the music ministry) where the pastor changes the hours of salaried employees. The contract does state that the pastor will determine hours to work. How much notice needs to be given for changing working hours, and does it need to be in writing? Also she does not feel comfortable meeting him behind closed doors. She has asked to leave the door open when they meet but he continues to walk into her office and close the door for private meetings. Can she ask that a third party be present at all meetings?

Asked on 3/16/11, 11:47 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

A requirement of advance notice to change work hours of the employee

would need to be in the contract as well and the requirement that it be in writing.

And, if neither are terms of the contract, then it must necessarily

be concluded that there are no such requirements.

As for having a third person present when having a meeting with the pastor, your wife could ask for such a presence, but the pastor would be under no obligation to comply with it (unless, of course, it were provided for in the contract, which would not appear too likely).

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Answered on 3/16/11, 12:02 pm

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