Legal Question in Employment Law in Virginia

Denied employment b/c of allegation against my father

I am a licensed building contractor who owns my own company. My father is also a licensed building contractor who owns his own company. A housing agency has an allegation/case pending against my father due to alleged unsatisfactory work. I applied for work with this agency with my own license and under a different company and name than my father. The coordinator & director of the agency told me that I could not work through the program because of the allegations pending against my father. I have the same first and last name of my father. This agency is non profit. Is this legal? Haven't I been discriminated against? What actions can I take concerning damages and being allowed to work through this program?


Asked on 3/25/04, 6:05 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: Denied employment b/c of allegation against my father

Rather than thinking in terms of initiating litigation, I think you would be better advised by serving the housing agency with official notice

that they should reconsider their position with respect to your company, emphazing that your company is a completely separate business entity

from that of your father and that there is no contractual relationship(formalized or not) between the two companies, and, that your company

has no record of allegations against it. And for the aforementioned reasons, the housing agency should be willing to entertain your bids for work

on an equal basis with other such bids which in fact they may be required to do either under the terms of their public charter or, perhaps, by virtue of the enabling legislation which was used to create the agency.

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Answered on 3/25/04, 7:42 pm

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