Legal Question in Employment Law in Virginia

I am a diabetic and live in Colonial Heights VA and work for let's just say a restaurant; a chain restaurant, but a nicer one. Earlier this month, I was at work and started to feel ill, I let my manager know this, and she told me to suck it up and keep working that everyone else was in overtime. I went back on the line and kept working. I then proceeded to run to the bathroom four times and get sick, each time letting her know, and to this she responded the same way. I finished closing, barely, and went home to try to go to the doctor in the morning, but ended up going to the hospital instead, where they told me my white cell count was over 40,000 and I had Diabetic Keto Acedosis -- which only 22% of people live from the combination. The doctor told me that I should have gone straight to the hospital and that they had no right to tell me to keep working, especially since I cook. Working for this company I signed an "Arbitrary Agreement" I believe is what it's called, but I can't take any legal action against the company, but should I pursue something within the company, because of the manager telling me to suck it up, my only option was to either walk out and get fired, or keep going -- the latter of the options putting me into the hospital and almost dying, not to mention I am behind on bills because of this.

Asked on 4/27/11, 3:29 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

No, under the facts as described, I would not advise you to pursue the matter.

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Answered on 4/28/11, 6:48 am

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