Legal Question in Employment Law in Virginia

Employee Paycheck

We had an employee ask us if we can hold her December 2008 paychecks upon advise from her accountant. She is requesting for us to issue her December pay in January 2009. What are the laws governing this? As an employer, we feel this will only create problems with tax reporting and penalties.

Asked on 11/27/08, 9:18 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: Employee Paycheck

Issue this payroll check as you would in the normal course of conducting your business, i.e, December 2008.(You are under no obligation whatsoever to heed the advice of this extraneous

accountant who happens to be dispensing advice to your employee.)

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Answered on 11/27/08, 9:37 am

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