Legal Question in Employment Law in Virginia

Employee's Right to know

I had a part time job and quit. I sent an email to the manager thanking her for the experience and explaining why I chose to leave. I recently re-applied and after speaking with HR, I was told that I was eligible for rehire. I am told that my resume' will be passed on the hiring manger but I never receive a call/notice as to the status of my application. When I call to follow up, I do not receive a call back. Am I entitled to know why I am not be rehired? Would they hold the email against hiring me again (I left due to training issues w/the job and schedule with my classes. I was very professional)? Is that legal? Is there anything I can do? Thank you

Asked on 3/28/09, 10:57 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: Employee's Right to know

No, I see nothing "illegal" in what you've described. And, no, as far as I know, an applicant for a job is generally not entitled to know as to why he or she has not been hired(or rehired) for any particular job. (This, of course, would not apply to a person with a viable claim to actionable discrimination with a case pending in court.)

Nevertheless, you might want to contact HR again to see whether your resume actully got passed along to the hiring manager or that, perhaps, some other administrative type impediment might be holding things up.

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Answered on 3/29/09, 10:40 am

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