Legal Question in Employment Law in Virginia

Employer not Dr put me on FMLA

Broke my wrist in 7/2000 at work. In 8/01 released from DR can not lift no more than 20lbs. went back out into plant to work. Been on my job since 8/01. On 2/18/08 pulled to company nurse office. I was told I had to get a update on my wrist so the company put me on unpayed medical leave. went to DR once again he released me to go back to work said I couldnt lift 20lbs as before. Went back to employer. now my employer has put me on FMLA. Said they would let me know when they had a job that I could do. What happened to my job that I had I had no problem with it. Now the Dr did NOT put me on FMLA. Can my employer do this??it dont seam fair.

Asked on 3/13/08, 2:02 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: Employer not Dr put me on FMLA

None of what has been described here in this question makes much sense, i.e., why, suddenly, nearly eight years after your wrist injury back in the summer of 2000, you now would be "pulled to company nurse(sic)office" and informed that you had to get an update on the condition of your wrist, and then subsequently be placed on unpaid FMLA leave and with apparently no prospects of being able to return to any job with this company.

It just makes no sense at all, and from your description of matters, it's not even clear as to whether you ever even filed a valid claim for workman's compensation benefits for this injury to your wrist.

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Answered on 3/13/08, 6:30 pm

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