Legal Question in Employment Law in Virginia

Ex Employer Harrassment

My ex boss I was told is making comments about me. He recently called my new boss and let a message that he would like to inform them about me. He was very abusive and that's why I don't work for him anymore. He thinks I am calling the state inspectors on the company whcih in fact other employee and ex employee are. I don't want to lose my current job because of him. What action can I take? My contacting his company have been taken as a disgruntale former employee

Asked on 3/08/09, 8:29 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: Ex Employer Harrassment

To the extent possible, you should keep a careful record of all contacts which this ex boss may be

making with your current boss and any other people in the community and what he is telling them.

This information could possibly form the basis for a defamation suit against your former boss at some future time.

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Answered on 3/11/09, 8:35 pm

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