Legal Question in Employment Law in Virginia

Employment Contract - Relocation Expenses


I accepted a new job early this year. It has not turned out to be what I expected, and I would like to look elsewhere. When I accepted the position, I signed the offer of emplyment letter, which outlined key issues, i.e. salary, benefits, relocation, etc. It clearly states that I must remain with the company for 12 months or will be liable to repay all relocation expenses. I then formally resigned from my previous company.

After a few days, the new company asked me to sign a relocation agreement. The terms changed from the original ''contract.'' The new agreement stated I was to repay 50% of relocation costs if I left after one year, and that I must stay two full years to have no liability to repay relocation costs. The original offer letter was never mentioned two years, only that I would be liable to repay relocation expenses if I left before one year of employment. As I had already resigned from my previous job (under the terms of the original contract), and did not want to ''challenge'' my new company, I felt obliged to sign the later relocation agreement.

So my question, if I choose to leave after year one, but before year two, can I challenge the later agreement validity?

Asked on 12/10/08, 10:19 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: Employment Contract - Relocation Expenses

On what basis?

Read more
Answered on 12/10/08, 11:16 pm

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