Legal Question in Employment Law in Virginia

If I gave notice to my work that I was moving out of the area because my fiance bought a house and wanted to move out of state (and was going to even if I didn't come) Then 2 weeks before that date my employers says my last day is now because they hired someone and don't want to pay for 2 people doing 1 job. They let me go then I moved to Florida and 4 months later applied for unemployment because work is not around here. Now they say I quit. WHAT DO I DO? Tele conference is in a week to show "Good Cause"

Asked on 1/24/12, 4:18 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Sounds like you voluntarily resigned your Virginia position so

that you could move to Florida to be with your fiance. The fact that

your employer decided to make your departure effective two weeks

earlier than the date you had designated would appear irrelevant to

the issue of your voluntary resignation and hence ineligibilty for

unemployment benefits (in my opinion).

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Answered on 1/24/12, 9:16 pm

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