Legal Question in Employment Law in Virginia

I recently hired by an animal santuary. On application I answered the question about health issues. I have a seizure disorder, and made them fully aware of it. 3 weeks later I was fired because "I was too big of a liability to the santuary" if I would have a seizure. Within in the time working there, they said my work was outstanding. The job requires you to work with dogs, basically caretaking for them. It requires no driving or over exhausting work. So, they let me go, stating "we have to let you go because of the liabilty." Is this illegal? Is this something I should persue?

Asked on 4/25/12, 11:18 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

No, not illegal at all (assuming you were not working pursuant to

an enforceable contract which protected you from such

summary dismissal).

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Answered on 4/25/12, 8:19 pm

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