Legal Question in Employment Law in Virginia


I retired on 1-12-09 with 26 years of service. On 2-3-09 the Local Gov. I worked for approved an early retirement incenative package.

My questions are.

Legally should I have been informed of this incenative package.

before I retired?

Do I have any legal options?

Asked on 2/20/09, 10:12 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: Retirement

I would doubt that you have any realistic "legal options" regarding the situation, but why not contact the local government folks who handled your retirement to see if something might possibly be worked out to enhance your retirement package in view of the action taken on 02/03/2009?

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Answered on 2/20/09, 11:52 pm

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