Legal Question in Employment Law in Virginia

I was a salaried employee and worked for this company for almost 20 years

I worked for this company for almost 20 years. I got sick and I called in every day, I got fired!! By a Letter in the mail. ( I have emphazeema or COPD ) I had a really bad cold and had a really hard time breathing. I worked alone and on the water, I really didn't think I should be out there by myself. I am Dredge Operator. Oh I gave them a 1 1/2 years notice, so I could train someone to take my place. While being salaried I didn't receive over time, and they docked me for time lost. Is there any thing I can do? I live in NC but the job was in Va. I have more info.

Asked on 12/08/08, 10:33 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: I was a salaried employee and worked for this company for almost 20 years

Yes, as we discussed, total up your hours each week that you worked in excess of 40, and add it all up as accurately as possible and then decuss with an attorney the possibilty of sending a demand letter to this company for payment.

There may also be reportable violations of Virginia wage and hour laws/regulations as well as those of the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL).

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Answered on 12/08/08, 5:38 pm

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