Legal Question in Employment Law in Virginia

I was written up on my 2 year anniversary and then fired when I returned 1 1/2 weeks later from vacation for thanksgiving. I have several emails, daily logs of my work and documented complaints for harassment from my manager and other employees. I wrote a 5 page letter to VP which she then gave to HR and they sent me a letter stating I was fired for justifiable causes and I was not because I questioned m write up. I have several reference letters from people involved with my termination commending me on my job performance and then they fired me saying had had terrible job performance. I believe this is retaliation...I have like a 4 inch thick stack of email, communication reference letters, daily task logs, etc. I don't know exactly what to do at this time. Every attorney so far vie talked to wants a deposit just to sit down with them to even discuss said events. My mother who ran a lawfirm before says to stay away form those attorneys which i plan on it since im currently unemployed with no income. Need help please

Asked on 12/21/10, 4:42 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Virginia is a so-called employment at will jurisdiction where an employee

working without the protection of a contract or collective bargaining

type of agreement (CBA) can be fired at any time and for almost any reason that

doesn't violate federal anti-discrimination laws. Since apparently

there is no such claim of actionable discrimination in your case nor any evidence

that you were covered by an enforceable contract or CBA, you are likely

without a remedy or recourse against your employer for your discharge

as you've described it (in my opinion).

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Answered on 12/26/10, 9:08 pm

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