Legal Question in Employment Law in Virginia

wrongful termination from employment

i was wrongfyully terminated from my job in which i was accused of cross clocking another employee, there was no proof and the company later said i resigned then they said i am terminated, i actually got unemployment from i have a case against this company?its been 6 mths i have been going through struggles, is it too late too sue the company, is there a time gap? please help?

Asked on 6/25/08, 2:07 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: wrongful termination from employment

One has two years to bring a defamation case in the Commonwealth. Whether you would have a viable case for this particular tort under the brief factual scenario which you've offered, I have no idea.

Unless you were working under a valid employment contract, it is unlikely that you would have any viable claim for wrongful termination, and any claim(s) which you may have against your former employer would likely lie in the area of defamation(libel or slander).

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Answered on 6/26/08, 9:57 am

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