Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Virginia

Apartment Bugs

We moved into an apartment last july and 1month after that, we discovered bedbugs in our things. We have had to throw away modt of our things, and the complex is trying to move us. People in downstairs apt have them too. If we find out the bugs were here before us, what are our options from a legal standpoint? We signed the lease in good faith that the apt was clean and bug free.

Asked on 11/03/07, 1:41 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: Apartment Bugs

Your options are to stay where you are, accept your landlord's offer of another unit and move to it, which, hopefully, would be critter free, or to violate your lease by moving out of the complex entirely without your landlord's permission(a move which would likely result in your being served with a warrant in debt for the balance owed under the lease).

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Answered on 11/03/07, 8:12 am

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