Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Virginia

rental commitment

I gave a person first '& last months rent for a space to put a hair salon in on the Fr. 25th of Oct. which he cashed on the 27th & I was told he would that weekend clean out his things & call me Mon. to pick up the lease & the key. That Mon. came & went & the next Mon. came & went finally on Wed. I call him & I set up an appointment with him later that day to go to his office & finish the deal. When I arrived his secertary gave me the key & said he couldn't meet me but would call me to come pick up the lease later in the week. Today (Fri.) I went to his office on my own to get him to sign the lease & I was told that he couldn't rent his building & wouldn't tell me why just he had alot of problems with it there. I asked him was it that or was it he just didn't want to rent to me? He couldn't answer me. He handed me a check he wrote out to me for my deposit refund. Do I have a case since he cashed my check? The day I was given the key I bought tile for the flooring & ordered signs for the building.

Asked on 11/09/07, 11:47 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Hendrickson Law Office Michael E. Hendrickson

Re: rental commitment

Yes, you may have a case for breach of an oral lease with the damages counted as your expenditures for the tiles and building signage. Your problem will, of course, be in proving it to the satisfaction of the court hearing the matter.

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Answered on 11/11/07, 10:12 am

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