Legal Question in Personal Injury in Virginia

Settlement amount for auto accident

I was in a car accident last month where the other party was at fault. I was hit on the face with an airbag and that caused abrasions in the cornea of my right eye. I couldnt see anything for 3 days and my vision slowly improved. But there is still some clouding in the cornea and I need new glasses. The right side of my face was bruised. My husband suffered some whiplash and still has a sore neck and shoulders. The other guys insurance agents have been very helpful and will cover all the medical expenses ( which might come to around $ 1000- $1500 ) though our auto insurance also covers the expenses. They have offered to settle whenever we are ready. We would like to settle it as soon as both of us are totally fine, but are not sure of the amounts we are talking about. We had a lot of trouble because of the accident. As I couldnt see a thing for a few days, it was very scary. Our car was totalled and we had to buy a new one. When they talk about an amount for our ''pain and suffering'', they mentioned an amount of around $ 500 for me and around the same for my husband, but I guess that is on the low side. What are the amounts we can reasonably expect from them?

Asked on 2/24/04, 1:23 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Michael Stone Law Offices of Michael B. Stone Toll Free 1-855-USE-MIKE

Re: Settlement amount for auto accident

Oh, yeah. They would love to settle for $500 for pain and suffering. Then they would laugh at you. CALL A LAWYER IMMEDIATELY. DO NOT SPEAK TO THE INSURANCE COMPANY AGAIN UNTIL YOU HAVE SPOKEN TO A LAWYER.

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Answered on 2/24/04, 2:19 pm
Daniel Press Chung & Press, P.C.

Re: Settlement amount for auto accident

Without knowing all the facts, I can't say what you should recover, BUT (unless there is a serious question of liability) what I do know is that the number they have offered is OUTRAGEOUSLY LOW. You should hire a lawyer immediately and not speak further to the insurance company. I would be pleased to assist you on this matter if you wish.

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Answered on 2/24/04, 4:59 pm

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