Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Virginia
4-Wheelers (Right of Way)
There are 3 houses on a private drive in the country-at the end of the drive is a vacation property owned by several people. My question is do these people and their guests have the right to drive 4-wheelers up and down our drive for recreational purposes as much as they want? Or can they be restricted to their area of the drive? They spend more time in front of our properties than in their considerable area of the drive and its becoming a nuisance. Thanks!
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: 4-Wheelers (Right of Way)
Could depend upon whether you're the sole owner of this drive or whether you share ownership of it with the other property owners or whether the owners of the property at the end of the drive have an easement to use it to access their property and the nature and scope of this easement.