Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Virginia

Unmarried homeownership and rights

My lesbian partner of 8 years cheated and left me for the other woman. She moved out last month. We bought a house a year ago, both names on the deed. She wants to sell, I don't. Can she force me to do so? What are my rights? I do not qualify to buy her out. We also have 2 cats which she left behind and I have been taking care of, she wants them, do I have the right to keep them, even though they were given as a gift to her the first year we were together? And what about property we acquired together that is still in the house-does she have a right to any of it? I told her she could only have what was hers and initially she agreed, now she is asking for furniture and other things.

Asked on 2/18/04, 8:55 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Daniel Press Chung & Press, P.C.

Re: Unmarried homeownership and rights

She can force a sale of the house unless it is large acreage and it is practical to physically partition the property. You have a right to your share of the proceeds.

If the cats were a gift to her, they are hers and she is entitled to them.

Property you acquired together (furniture, etc.) should be divided equally or in accordance with your respective contributions.

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Answered on 2/18/04, 10:40 am

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