Legal Question in Traffic Law in Virginia
Passing a Motor Scooter
Virginia code 46.2-914 states any two wheeled vehicle under 50 CC's and under 35 MPH is a moped (no license plate), anything over is a motorcyle. I passed a ''scooter/moped'' with no license plate one on the left of centerline in accordance with Virginia Codes 46.2-839 and 46.2-843, and the driver swerved left in an attempt to aggress/hit me, and then promptly gave me the ''finger''. Who was in the wrong? If I was I would like to know, as I encounter these ''scooters'' more and more..Thank you..
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Passing a Motor Scooter
So, what did Mr. Moped expect you to do, mope along behind him at his two wheeler speed for the next 30 or so blocks?
And, merely because Mr. Putt Putt "fingered" you some sense of his probable IQ, is no reason whatsoever for you to start questioning the decison you made to maneuver around this dunce in the manner permitted in the Virginia Code sections which you've cited.
Give it not another thought, friend, as you were clearly in the right(in my opnion).
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