Legal Question in Traffic Law in Virginia
Speeding Ticket
I got a speeding ticket (46mph/in a 30mph zone) and the officer told me since I have a clean driving record that I should appear in court and ask the Judge to be put on ''probation'' for a few months to which if I don't receive any more tickets in the probation period the ticket would be dropped from driving record. My question is how do I plead to this when the Judge asks me? Do I say ''Not Guilty'', ''Guilty'' or ''No Contest'' before asking for the possibility of getting the probation period.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Speeding Ticket
I doubt that the court involved would be following the scenario suggested by the officer to dispose of your traffic case.
On the morning of your hearing (after you ascertain that the ticketing officer is present in the courtroom), you should be dealing with the prosecutor assigned to your case and not the judge to arrive at some negotiated disposition for your speeding charge such as your agreement, perhaps, to plead guilty to driving 39 mph in a posted 30 mph zone (or something similar).
Bring along a copy of your DMV record in case the
prosecutor's record may have erroneous entries regarding your driving record.
You will very likely not hear any reference to probation for this kind of traffic infraction from either the mouths of the judge nor the prosecutor.
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