Legal Question in Consumer Law in Washington

a picture i purchased

i purchasesd a pic at an estate sale for 5.00 .i paid sales tax . i was leaving the sale and the sale manager came running over to me and took the item out of my hands and demmanded i tell him how much i paid and told me the picture was worth 4500 and that he was not going to pay for it. i bought the pic from a cashier. is there any thing i can do?

Asked on 7/08/07, 2:50 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Elizabeth Powell ELizabeth Powell PS Inc

Re: a picture i purchased

What do you want to do? Why does it matter to you that you paid sales tax?

Was the picture mis-marked? Was there something else off about the sale?

What did you ultimately do? If you bought the picture it is yours. If you handed it back to the manager, then you don't have it any more.

Did anybody give you a receipt? Did they refund your money?

Why would the sale manager not want to pay for the picture?

I must be missing something. If you have possession of the picture, and you paid for it, it is yours.

If you don't have possession of the picture, and you paid for it, you should go get it.

The sales manager doesn't have the right to contradict the cashier, so long as the item was marked (or you otherwise thought $5.00 was the price).

However, paying a lawyer to pursue a replevin action for recovery of a $5.00 item seems absurd.

Hope this helps. Elizabeth Powell

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Answered on 7/08/07, 3:09 pm

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