Legal Question in Criminal Law in Washington

sex predators

My cousin was convicted as a kid for rape, he had an appointed lawyer and tho it could never be proved, he spent 13 years in prison on a plea bargain, which he said he didn't understand.

Can he go back now 31 years later and get this off his record? He has been working for the last 18 years, never been in trouble, married and has children.

If so, which kind of lawyer would you suggest, as his parents wish to help him now, which they didn't help him them as he had been a troublemaker as a kid and they thought he'd get a slap on the wrist and do him good.

Asked on 3/18/06, 9:26 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

James J. White, attorney Law Offices of Smith & White, PLLC

Re: sex predators

You want a criminal defense attorney to assist you with vacating the judgment. It may not be possible on a sex offense so I would have to double check. You would want lots of documentation showing all of the treatment he went through, many letters from employers and character witnesses showing what a decent man he has been for so long now. I could assist you in this matter if you would like. My consultation fee is $200. Contact me directly if you would like further help.

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Answered on 3/20/06, 12:31 am

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