Legal Question in Family Law in Washington

I want a divorce

my husband and I have been together for 5 years and married for 3 years with a 3 year old son. He is 16 years my senior and we do not get along as well as no communication. My husband has sexual habits that dont suit me. He constantly wanting to be with men and woman and has expressed that to me several times.

I am a church goer and I just dont want any part of that behaviour and I have already been exposed to infections from him that resemble clamydia.. I now have gotten an IUD so I willl not have any more children with him but I just am having a hard time with the trust and afraid of what I can be getting exposed to in the future.

His 23 year old son lives with us and his son and I have has a previous disagreements to where I had to call 911 because he shoved me here at home.. the conclusion to that story was that the cops came and wanted to arrest him and my husband told me on the phone if they, he was to kick me out with my son as soon as he got home..

My question is that I would love to go to school so I can leave asap. He is not interested in helping with daycare and says there is no money for that. what can I do, I dont have schooling to sustain both myself and son but I do want a divorce..

Thank you..

Asked on 6/16/09, 8:23 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Christopher Steuart IT Forensics, Inc.

Re: I want a divorce

Most of the first part of your statement is not relevant to getting a divorce in WA state. The only basis for divorce is that "the marriage is irretrievably broken." The other facts you recited may support a domestic violence protection order, but probably not against your husband. In a divorce a parenting plan and order of support would be required. I can't speak to what the parenting plan would look like without more information. Child support is calculated from the Child Support Schedule on the basis of the combined net incomes and the ratios of those incomes. The likelihood of your receiving spousal maintenance, how much, and how long, is affected by several factors including ability of the other party to pay, your financial need, how long you have been married.

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Answered on 6/16/09, 10:08 pm

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