Legal Question in Family Law in Washington

Establishing Paternity..

How do I get my baby's biological father listed on his birth certificate? My problem is that I am legally married to another man. Problem is that he abandoned me in 2005 and I have no clue as to where he is and therefore can't have him sign the affidavit of denial of paternity for my son. His biological father and I are together and we are wondering how to get around the affidavit of denial of paternity?? Do we have to get an attorney? Do we need to go to court and have a DNA test when we know that he is the father?? Hope someone can help.. Thanks!!

Asked on 1/25/09, 12:39 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Christopher Steuart IT Forensics, Inc.

Re: Establishing Paternity..

It is unclear if the child has been born. There is a form for acknowledging paternity. The child's father can sign it. As to being married with a husband that abandoned you and is not locatable, you should make a diligent search, file the petition and summons, then go to ex parte and file a motion to serve him by publication, get the order, and get the summons published by one of the papers of record, e.g. Daily Journal of Commerce. Your life will not get simpler by waiting.

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Answered on 1/25/09, 12:47 am

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