Legal Question in Family Law in Washington

Family Law in WA State and how to prosecute

I'm living in a situation where my

mother in law is married to a man

who is very controlling and when he

doesn't get what he want's he leaves

and take away all financial support

and transportation for his wife his

step-kids (there's 3 that are still

minors and 3 adults). I know that he

is guilty of family abandonment

and/or family nonsupport. What I

need to know is how to get him

charged with these and anything else

he could be charged with and if I can

do it or if his wife has to.

He's threatened to get her kids taken

away if she divorces him among

many other threats of what he'll do if

she divorces him. She very afraid to

take a stand so I need to know if I

can take that stand in her place until

she's ready. And also what steps to

take to press charges.

Thanks so much

Asked on 4/14/09, 1:51 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Christopher Steuart IT Forensics, Inc.

Re: Family Law in WA State and how to prosecute

Family law matters are civil actions, and unless he has engaged in domestic violence or some other crime there is no basis for a criminal case. You can't initiate a civil (family law) action on behalf of your mother. She can seek a protection order along with the dissolution action and have one granted if the facts support such an order.

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Answered on 4/19/09, 10:52 pm

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