Legal Question in Family Law in Washington
what is legal definition of spring break?
My domestic partner (father) has child 1st, 2nd and 3rd weekend. This is year for mother to have child spring break. Spring break is defined by school district calendar as April 11 through April 15. She decided that spring break should be from April 9 through April 17 and include both of his normal weekends. Of course, he didn't agree. Exact wording of parenting plan calls the time ''spring break'' and does not give more details only that parents alternate ''spring break''. Please tell me if there is a legal definition somewhere that includes more time in spring break than just the vacation days given by the school district.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: what is legal definition of spring break?
The parties are supposed to define these things for themselves in the parenting plan. Parties may put almost anything that will result in reduction of risk of misunderstanding into a parenting plan. Without the precise text of the spring break, school schedule, and prioritization and any other sections of the parenting plan that define or have general effect, I can't give you anymore of an answer.