Legal Question in Family Law in Washington
one party hyjacks notarized final papers
what can be done when one party refuses to submit the final divorce papers- even though both parties have signed them? she uses the papers and the children as leverage and bargaining tools to threaten so that i will do what she wants when she wants it. what can i do? i don't want a nasty legal battle, but what alternative do i have if i want to finalize this divorce? is there a way to get this done w/out huge expense and battling- especially since she and i have already hammered out the details and are in agreement about it- she just won't submit them and refuses to give the papers to me so I can submit them.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: one party hyjacks notarized final papers
Your answer is called a motion for presentation.
You note it and file it and write a declaration explaining exactly what you are saying here.
Consult with the family law facilitator at the court in your county for help with this.
Hope this helps - Powell