Legal Question in Family Law in Washington

Respondent Paperwork

Mother was served paperwork filed in court. When she responded all that was filed was the citation, however when the father was served with the citation her version of the temporary and proposed parenting plan were attached. They were not marked as filed and the court facilitator did not have them on file. Are they still considered filed or legal?

Asked on 2/06/09, 1:42 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Christopher Steuart IT Forensics, Inc.

Re: Respondent Paperwork

Your description of who filed what is confusing, then the names you use for what was filed and who filed it is confusing, and your expectation that a court facilitator would have something on file is confusing (the clerk would maintain the file). Then you mention a temporary parenting plan. A citation is generally seen in a misdemeanor criminal case or traffic case. You clearly did not have copies of the documents at hand as you wrote this. I am guessing there is a motion for temporary orders lurking in here somewhere. With this confusing description I don't know what your question means. Relevant facts and correct names for things really helps, don't try to make up new names for things (a lot of those names will already have meanings and they don't mean what you want them to mean). Quality of question affects quality of answer.

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Answered on 2/07/09, 10:00 pm

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