Legal Question in Employment Law in Washington
bounced paycheck
What can I do about a bounced paycheck?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: bounced paycheck
I'm assuming you've taken the matter up with your employer and the employer is not willing or not able to resolve it. If not, that would be the first step.
The Department of Labor & Industries may be able to help you, as they have a program to help collect unpaid wages, but I have not heard positive feedback on how effective that is.
If the amount is large enough to make it worthwhile, an attorney may be able to help you collect it.
If you are thinking of leaving this employer because it can't manage to pay you, it is very probable that you would be able to at least collect unemployment.
Paychecks often bounce when employers are in serious financial trouble. If the employer files bankruptcy, you will have to stop all collection efforts and will probably not collect anything.
I'm sorry I can't give you better news.