Legal Question in Personal Injury in Washington
Hit and run
My wife and I were I involved in a Hit and run accident. The other driver was caught and had no insurance. He was drunk, very young, out of state and can't speak English.
My question is directed only at the Uninsured motorist policy which is 50,000 per person 100,000 max for others in car. Our medical bills are over 10,000 dollars which the insurance has paid so far. An MRI showed that I have a partial tear on my rotor cuff. I have sever neck and back pain and I have had headaches for about three months.
What is the typical payoff to the injured party Is there a formula that the insurance companies pay? What should be the least I should settle for?
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Hit and run
A very, very general rule of thumb is three times your "specials," which include the medical costs.
Do not settle too soon. What if you will need lifelong treatment? You may need steroid shots/and or surgery in the future. You may also want to ask for pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of consortium, loss of enjoyment of life, etc. In addition, your wife will have claims, too.
I practice statewide, and my email address is:
Re: Hit and run
If surgery is indicated for the rotator cuff tear it is likely your medical bills will increase substantially. In that event you may well have a "policy limits" claim.
It will be important to confirm that there are no other sources of insurance coverage or other potential defendants (for example, if the other driver had been overserved alcohol).
We've handled a number of similar cases and would be happy to assist. Please feel free to call or email me.