Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Washington
Neighbor/Fence Dispute
Our neighbors planted blackberry bushes near our fence so that they would grow on, over & through our fence. They are very close to becoming entangled in our trees and bushes. We purposely installed the fence 1-1/2 inches within our property line. They are very hostile towards us and we would like to know the appropriate action to take to avoid any legal reprocussions from them. This is only one of many actions they have taken towards us to deliberately cause harm toward our property and our family. They are also involved with another neighbor in trying to isolate us from the neighborhood by defamation of character. It's gone far beyond ''idle gossip'' - they have spread untruths about our family to others to the point where they are reluctant to have any contact with us whatsoever. Of course, we all know that people don't want to get involved in neighbor disputes, but are more than willing to listen & form an opinion based on what they've heard. We are in real need of some advise, but can't seem to find an attorney interested in helping us. Hopefully, you can at least help us with the blackberry bushes. Thank you.
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Neighbor/Fence Dispute
Blackberry bush help is not what I do. Get a gardener or some trimmers and go cut down what is poking throught the fence onto your property.
Elizabeth Powell
Re: Neighbor/Fence Dispute
i'd love to discuss this with you, with or without the blackberries.