Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Washington
owner contract
Can the seller write their own terms regarding repossession in an owner financed real estate contract? If not, what is the law regarding repossession in a situation where the buyer stops paying the mortgage to the seller.
Asked on 4/03/08, 6:43 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Douglas Reiser
Reiser Legal, LLC
Re: owner contract
yes - the beauty of contracting is that you can agree to whatever you please subject to the law. If you simply had an owner financed installment contract for the sale of the home, you could take repossession without a judicial proceeding.
An attorney can assist you with drafting this agreement and I would suggest that you not attempt to do this yourself because of the multitude of legal consequences a real property sale may entail.
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Answered on 4/03/08, 6:49 pm