Legal Question in Social Security Law in Washington

Voluntering while collecting disability

My husband has been on disability through the VA and Social Security for several years (since 1980). He recently started visiting a local ice rink and became friends with the owners. Someone assumed that he was being paid to be there and turned him in to the VA as being an employee who was being paid under the table! This is absolutly untrue! We also assume that if he turned him into the VA that he also turned him into the Social Security Admin. Can't a person do any type of volunter work while on disability and what can we do to protect ourselves.

Asked on 3/22/00, 11:19 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Voluntering while collecting disability

The key here is whether the volunteer activity demonstrates an ability to engage in "substantial gainful activity" (i.e., generally, work that would pay $700 per month or more). How many hours per week? What is the exertional level of the work (sedentary, light, medium, heavy)? What is your husband actually doing? Is he just sitting around chatting with folks or is he doing some physical work? Is the work that is being performed such that the employer would normally pay someone to do it?

Remember that Social Security will look past the question of whether the work is "volunteer" or not and determine whether it shows that your husband could be doing this same activity level and be earning a paycheck. If so, Social Security may find that he is capable of "substantial gainful activity" and therefore no longer disabled.

If Social Security decides to stop your husband's benefits, he will get a notice and be allowed time to appeal. If you get such a notice, I urge you to consult with an attorney immediately. In some cases if you appeal within 10 days you can continue to receive benefits during the appeal.

Best of luck!

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Answered on 3/31/00, 8:58 am

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