Legal Question in Consumer Law in West Virginia
Mortgage and credit reporting
My mortgage is through Countrywide. We have had our mortgage through them for several years now. They told us that one time during the life of the loan you get a freebee. You can skip a payment and pay back 125% of the monthly payment the following 4 months to get back on track. We got finanially tight at the beginning of this year. We called them and said we would like to skip the Feb. Payment as mentioned above. They said OK, you will owe us 125% of the normal payment for Mar, Apr, and May. We did not sign anything. They called us back sevral weeks later and said we owe 150% of our payment im. We sent it to them wondering why. They quoted us a few dollars short, so the applied one payment to our account from that money and then sat on the other half. We then began accruing late charges, etc. I found out via credit report that they reported us as late every month, including the one we agreed to skip. I called them and argued, but they will not correct our credit report. What can we do to get them to change our credit reporting. When we talked to them, we immediately paid our account up to date.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Mortgage and credit reporting
You can contest it; and you can send them a consumer fraud letter per 93A
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