Legal Question in Business Law in Wisconsin

Legal term or terms regarding time

Hi- I hoep i acn explain my question hr- I need to know the leag term for the following: what is it caled when a company, a representative of said comnay etc- terminates, demots ot takes an action thatt look likes retailation for something an emplyee mat have done- the time frome for this is rather suspicious as in the ee does soemthing and bam within a few days or so the er reacts (teh amiunt of time bwteen being supicious) I hope I asked this in an understanable way- Thank you

Asked on 5/11/03, 10:12 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Mark Mahoney Cassiani Law Office, Wise Shepherd Law Office

Re: Legal term or terms regarding time

Hello, I am not sure what term you are referring to, but in Wisconsin the general law is that an employer can fire someone for any reason or no reason, except for reasons related to disability,

age, sex, race or religion, family leave. It is difficult to counsel on your situation with more facts. Good luck, Mark J. Mahoney

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Answered on 5/11/03, 7:52 pm

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