Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Wisconsin
Getting sued
I'm getting sued for a credit card debt of $5,000.00. If I do nothing, do not show up for the court date and do not pay, could I be arrested? Could my wages be garnished?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Getting sued
If you do not show up a default judgment will be entered against you. You will be required to file a financial disclosure statement and serve it on the plaintiff. If you fail to pay the judgment of to file the financial disclosure, you could be found to be in contempt. You cannot be put in jail so long as you fill out and serve the financial statement or pay the judgment.
Once a creditor obtains a judgment your wages can be garnished if you are not exempt from garnishment. To be exempt your family income for your family household size would have to be under the poverty guidelines or would become so upon garnishment or you must have received need-based financial assistance within 6 months of the garnishment.
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