Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Wisconsin
Wage assignment/garnishment
I took a payday loan from cashtransfercenters.Com a few months ago. In late july they sent a voluntary wage assignment to my employer located in illinois. I work in wisconsin. The payroll company (adp) took 2 payments from my paychecks and sent them to a place in surrey, bc. I am told this is illegal. Please help me.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Voluntary Wage Assignments Are NOT Garnishments, Bankruptcy Options to End Them
As far as I know, a authentic voluntary wage assignments is legal in WI, assuming that you really signed the document. Being voluntary, however, a wage earner has the right to terminate it, unlike a garnishment. Of course, a chapter 7 bankruptcy stops both wage assignments and garnishments. A chapter 13 stops garnishments, but replaces them with a single garnishment from the court/trustee. While the case is open, you wages are safe from seizure by other creditors. This online forum response is not intended to be legal advice or to create any attorney-client relationship.