Legal Question in DUI Law in Wisconsin

Relocating To Wisconsin, Susp Outsate, Can I Get License?

I am seriously considering a move to Wisonsin from the state of Nebraska where my driving priveleges are suspended. They have been for a long time, although in less than two years they will be reinstated.

I am now in between jobs and think it may be a good time to move to Wisonsin provided I can get a drivers license. Not having a drivers license has crippled my chances for any meaningful employment in Nebraska.

Can a man with a suspended or even revoked (I have a buddy in that situation) get a license in Wisconsin if he plans on living there? I heard Wisonsin if among one of only two states in the union that does not belong to the notorious Interstate Compact or Out or State Violators Compact which makes a suspension/revocation in Nebraska, for example, applicable everywhere else in America. Thank you.

Asked on 8/24/03, 11:42 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

JAY Nixon nixon law offices

Re: Relocating To Wisconsin, Susp Outsate, Can I Get License?

Sorry, but I believe that WI does belong to the interstate compact for reporting traffic offenses. Off hand, I am relatively sure that Texas does not belong to the compact, and tends to recognize driving as more of a basic human right than do other states. More states worth checking include LA & AK. WI does allow occupational licenses in some circumstances, most of which are likely to involve you already having an occupational in your home state. Do you have one or can you get one before you move? Feel free to send me a private e-mail to [email protected] for further followup research, should you desire it. The other thing I may be able to assist with would be rehabilitating your eligibility status, i.e., you might need do nothing more than complete an alcohol assessment and follow through with all recomendations from it, or reopen some old offenses.

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Answered on 8/25/03, 6:31 am

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