Run Around ?
In the fall of 2007 I was charged with an OWI 1st & Chemical Test Refusal 1st. The courts took 11 mounts( July 2008) to hear my case and find me guilty. On my lawyers advice I appealed( August 2008).The municipal court has yet to recognize my appeal so the state has imposed fines and terms as if I was guilty w/ no appeal.
The municipal court planed an appeal hearing in January 2009. Now my lawyer has not informed me of the results of that meeting through phone or mail, in spite of my contacting them 3 times.
Why are the courts and my council playing games in regards to my case and my rights? What can / should I do now?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Run Around ?
I don't know anything about your case, but generally, the wheels of justice grind slowly. The system is slow and defendants need to be patient.
You need to talk to your attorney if you have questions about your case.