Legal Question in Family Law in Wisconsin
Leaving a treatening spouse
A friend needs to leave a 9 year marriage. Husband has threatened to kill her more than once and has had an attempted suicide himself. She has 3 small children and is concerned the best way to file, restrain, seperate, etc.. She is concerned about money and very concerned about the temper of the husband. How should she handle leaving the marriage while worried about the safety of herself and 3 small children. She is a teacher and works at a public institution; this scares her too. All abuse has been emotional with 2 exceptions where he has physically thrown her around. They have not slept together in 4 years and he is gone many evenings traveling over the road. She needs serious help that may guarantee her safetly and the childrens.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Leaving a treatening spouse
She should immediately seek a domestic abuse restraining order. As part of that Order she can request that her spouse is removed from the residence and that she is granted tmeporary physical placement of the children.
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