Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Wisconsin

LL changed names on lease

Last year myself and 3 other guys rented a house converted to a duplex. We had the bottom floor of the house. At the end of the year, we resigned the lease. All 4 of us (i will call us A B CD) signed the lease.

At the begining of the next college year (the start of the new lease)C and D had to move out, as they got accept to another school. C and D both found replacements, and the lease stated that for $100 the landlord would change the name on the lease, and let someone else sign. So C and D found E and F. The landlord used the original lease, witch myself (A) and B had signed with C and D. He crossed out C and D and let E and F sign under their names. A and B never resigned a lease.

Now F cant pay rent. In the lease it stated that we must pay in one check, and that if one person cant pay, the rest of us are responsible for the total ammount.

Since A and B didnt sign the new lease (since he just crossed out the old names), or have any say if they wanted E and F added to the lease. We are wondering if the lease is valid, or if there is any way we (A and B) can now get out of the lease. Any insight would be greatly appretiated.


Asked on 11/17/05, 4:17 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

David Anderson Anderson Business Law LLC

Re: LL changed names on lease

How much is at stake? WIthout having a signed lease, the non-signers likely would get stuck for actual occupancy charges, but not beyond that. Has notice to move out been given?

Signers are jointly and severally liable ( even if all but one die or leave the country, last signer standing gets stuck with ALL LIABILITY).

Call or e-mail for further assistance.

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Answered on 11/17/05, 4:40 pm

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