Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Wisconsin

Robbery, but no lock provided on our door

We have been living in our house for a little more than a month now. As soon as we moved in we noticed that our landlord left us a note notifying us that they would promptly fix the lock on the back door, because it did not work properly. AFter a couple of weeks and the door and lock not getting fixed, we (roomates) wrote another note to the landlord requesting that door and lock be fixed among other things. Well last week someone broke into our house, a.k.a. walked through the back door and stole a $2,000 labtop and several D.V.D.'s of one of my roommates. We don't have renters insurance, and there's got to be a way we can get our landlord to pay for the labtop if not more. Please reply back. Thanks for your time.

Asked on 9/19/05, 7:40 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

David Anderson Anderson Business Law LLC

Re: Robbery, but no lock provided on our door

I'll have to review your lease and research duties of landlord, but generally criminal acts do not create liability of third parties.

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Answered on 9/19/05, 8:22 pm

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