Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Wisconsin

Shadey Landlords!

What happened is that I moved from a rental to buy a home. The people that we moved out from took us to small claims court for damages. Some how they came up with that I owe them over four thousand dollars. I have reciepts, pictures of what the place looked like when I moved in. Plus they kept my security deposit. Can I counter sue for my deposit. Thanks for your time and consideration to this matter. sherylwoods.

Asked on 9/17/05, 12:03 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

David Anderson Anderson Business Law LLC

Re: Shadey Landlords!

Yes you should. I would need to see the lease to determine best approach.

Call or e=mail for further assistance.

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Answered on 9/19/05, 8:17 am

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