Legal Question in Personal Injury in Wisconsin

If a customer is injured by an employee of a tavern. Will the tavern owner be liable?

Asked on 10/09/09, 7:38 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jonathan Safran Samster, Konkel & Safran, S.C.

The best answer I can give is "maybe." The facts will dictate whether the tavern will be liable. Was the employee acting "in the scope of their employment" at the time of the injury? Was it a negligent act or was it an intentional act? Was this a personal issue between the emplyee and the customor? Was the employee doing something "for" the tavern at the time? What knowledge did the tavern owner have about any actions by the employee, prior to the incident? I would suggest that you speak with an experienced personal injury attorney to disuss the facts and issues involved. In Wisconsin, there is a two year statute of limitations for intentional acts and a three year statute of limitations for negligent acts which cause injuries and damages. That means that a claim for injuries and damages must be settled or a lawsuit filed within the applicable statue of limitations time period if the customer is going to recover money for any injuries or damages resulting from the indicent.

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Answered on 10/19/09, 1:57 pm

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