Legal Question in Personal Injury in Wisconsin
What are my options after hiring then firing an attorney?
I hired an attorney to handle my personal injury from an auto accident. He did not have my best interests in how he handled my case. So I fired him! Now he hit the insurance Co. with a lien. The adjuster for the insurance Co. said that he never heard of what this attorney is trying to pull! The adjuster for the other company is working to get me more money then what my attorney did.Now do ethics become involved? The lien that my Ex attorney did was infact taking the money from medical bills and putting that into his pocket. I was in an auto accident that wasn''t my fault,totaled out my car,and some how I end up having to pay money out. The other guy got the ticket for failure to yield.So what do I do now? No attorney will handle my case because of the lien. Is there any one I can contact about making a comlaint against my fired attorney?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: What are my options after hiring then firing an attorney?
Wisconsin's Supreme Court governs all Wisconsin lawyers and its Office of Lawyer Regulation investigates Wisconsin attorneys who may have violated Supreme Court Ethics Rules. The web site for the Wisconsin OLR is Good luck.