Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in Wyoming
VAWA abuse & conspiracy to deny civil rights
Is there any legal recourse, except criminal defense, open to a father being pre-judged in a District Court in Wyoming. His wife left the home & 3 children 18 months ago. She works for advocate agency supporting battered women. In last 2 months, he has been charged with felony kidnapping & harassment of the wife & battery of the boyfriend, also wife gained custody of children with order of protection. There in info that the battery was set up with help of others and the facts don't support felony kidnapping charges found in preliminary hearing( wife was slapped & was in running truck with cell phone for + 20 minutes).
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: VAWA abuse & conspiracy to deny civil rights
Even a civil rights complaint would not stop a criminal prosecution. The facts you give do not suggest a conspiracy to deny your civil rights. If there is more, and you feel it is substantive, you should consult an attorney practicing in this area with the remainder of the details. While charges of abuse are not uncommon in divorces, the kind of activity you have summarized is unusual.